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Maps of Environmental Change

Explore map projects that harness the power of information and technologies to create maps that highlight environmental issues, causes, and solutions.

EPA environmental maps of change

Historical aerial photographs have helped EPA identify and map very local, site-specific changes to the environment. The example provided is a hazardous waste site in Louisiana.

Land-observing satellite data and GIS data have helped EPA understand regional and community changes to the environment. For instance, the Ohio Land Change Project mapped changes in land use and land cover during the growth of a metropolitan region in Ohio.

EPA has harnessed twenty years of biological data collected by one pioneering state to map water-quality trends in watersheds.

Researchers are using computerized map data and satellite measurements and developing statistical techniques that support identifying changes in wetlands.

Other environmental maps of change

Animation of changes over time in the land use and cover around the San Francisco Bay Area and the Baltimore-Washington Corridor, featured by the U.S. Geological Survey.

Satellite images showing changes to the environment, shown in the U.S. Geological Survey, EarthShots.

Maps of changes in bird populations over time, as mapped by the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center of the U.S. Geological Survey.

Maps of recent time slices of major factors affecting climate change, as featured in the EPRI Climate Change Atlas.

North American atlas of vegetation changes over time, over the past 150,000 years, compiled by Jonathan Adams of Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Studies addressing the many issues of environmental changes, as featured in "Consequences: The Nature of Environmental Changes."

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